Tag: serum swap

Atmospheric fallout of radionuclides in peat bogs in the Western
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Atmospheric fallout of radionuclides in peat bogs within the Western Phase of the Russian Arctic This text presents the outcomes of research of the exercise of radionuclides in peat-bog profiles of the European subarctic of Russia. Two peat profiles have been collected in numerous areas of the Arkhangelsk area. The peat cores have been used to find out 210Pb, 137Cs, 241Am, 239Pu, 240Pu, 238U, and 234U…
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Applications of the three-dimensional air quality system to western
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Functions of the three-dimensional air high quality system to western U.S. air high quality: IDEA, smog weblog, smog tales, airquest, and the distant sensing info gateway. A system has been developed to mix distant sensing and ground-based measurements of aerosol focus and aerosol mild scattering parameters right into a three-dimensional view of the ambiance over the USA. Using…
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